Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Father's Day Special

I'm a tech nerd and like to switch phones every year.

My dad is the total opposite. He still carries his iPhone 6 and is quite vocal about its performance, even though it hangs a lot.

This father's day, I decided to gift him a new phone. I logged on to Amazon and placed an order.


Luckily, the package arrived this morning. When my dad saw it, he was furious with me for spending money, like all fathers are.


But when he opened the package, he saw a small gift card with a message on it.


For the past 27 years, a small token of thank you. Happy Father's Day.


I could see his angry face slowly turning into an emotional one.


Now, let’s answer the question- why I did it?


He is the kind of guy who barely spends any money on himself. He ignores his needs and tries to save every penny for his family.


So, I decided to be his sponsor. Just kidding


Moral of this post- look after your parents’ needs, because they won't.